What goes in the Glass Bins?
There are multiple glass collection bins at each of the main recycling centers. All glass must be empty, clean, and dry.
- Please remove all lids and corks!
- Only Glass, bottles, jars, etc.
- NO window glass, mirrors, glass cookware, Pyrex measuring cups, etc.
- NO Lids.

We are no longer recycling Styrofoam
Please place your Styrofoam in the trash, either at your home or in the trash bin in the Recycling Center.
What goes in the Batteries Bin?
There is a box for batteries at each of the main recycling centers. A resident volunteer periodically collects the batteries and takes them to a local battery store.
- YES All small batteries .
- NO large batteries like lead acid car or similar batteries.

What goes in the Light Bulb Box?
There is a box for light bulbs at Chinook recycling center. A resident volunteer periodically collects the batteries and takes them to a local battery store.
- YES All small light bulbs .
- NO florescent tubes.
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