Upcoming Meetings (all on Tuesdays at 3 p.m. in the Quinault Auditorium unless otherwise noted):
- Tuesday, March 18, 2025 – Movie “Fly Away Home”
Panorama Auditorium Theater, 1:30 p.m.The film Fly Away Home tells the charming story of a young teenage girl’s recovery and discovery—recovery from a traumatic, life-changing experience and discovery of her own personal resilience and agency. But it’s also a fascinating story about using ultra-light aircraft to teach migration routes to orphaned birds.
The film dramatizes the actual experiences of Bill Lishman, a quirky Canadian sculptor, inventor, film-maker, and naturalist. In 1986, Lishman started training Canada geese to follow his ultralight aircraft along migratory routes. By 1993, he succeeded in leading their migration through his program “Operation Migration.” This pathbreaking strategy of Lishman and others led to several initiatives to teach migration to endangered species such as Whooping Cranes and the Northern Bald Ibis. The film is enhanced by the soundtrack, which includes Mary Chapin Carpenter’s beautiful song “10,000 Miles.”
This film received several awards, including the 1997 Environmental Media Award for best Feature Film. It also received numerous additional nominations.
Fly Away Home
Bill Lishman
Operation Migration
International Crane Foundation - Tuesday, April 8: Topic TBD
- Tuesday, May 13: Topic TBD
- Note – There are no scheduled Green Team meetings in July, August or December.
All Panorama residents are encouraged to attend Green Team meetings and presentations.
- Thursday, April 17, 2025 – Field Trip to Pioneer Recycling Services in Tacoma
Bus leaves at 8 a.m., 90-minute tour starts at 9:15 a.m., and bus arrives at Panorama around noon. Cost is $14 per person. Open to all residents. Sign up at the Activity Desk. See a report about a previous field trip, and learn more about Pioneer Recycing Services at
- See Previous Meetings for summaries of past meetings.
- See Previous Events for summaries of past events of interest to the Panorama Green Team members.