Reduce Plastic Pollution

What to do about plastic pollution – REDUCE, REUSE, and … Recycle as a last resort

While recycling plastic is a better choice than putting it in the landfill, there are issues associated with plastic recycling, including the production of microplastics as part of the process. Here’s an article discussing this problem:

Reduce use of plasticA better approach is to avoid single-use plastic in the first place. REDUCE the amount of plastic you purchase, and REUSE durable items instead of using single-use plastic.  Here are some suggestions:

  • Buy laundry detergent sheets/strips instead of liquid detergent in plastic bottles. Two recommended brands are Tru Earth (available at Fred Meyer or online) and Earth Breeze EcoSheets (available at Walmart or online).
  • Take your own drink containers for coffee or other beverages.
  • Take your own containers for take-out and left-overs.
  • When ordering take-out, tell them NOT to give you plastic utensils.
  • Take your own non-plastic utensils to picnics and potlucks to avoid using plastic utensils. (Also take your own reusable plates and napkins to avoid adding paper plates and napkins to the landfill.)
  • If using a straw, choose paper or steel, not plastic.
  • When walking the loop or exercising, use the water refilling station in the Fitness Center to refill your reusable water bottle instead of using a single-use plastic bottle.
  • Use reusable containers or brown waxed paper sandwich bags instead of plastic bags. (You can find them at Olympia Food Coop.)
  • Use mesh bags for purchasing produce.
  • Use paper bags or compostable bags for garbage.
  • When purchasing a product that’s available in either plastic or glass containers (for example, fruit juice), choose glass.
  • Use storage containers such as Debbie Meyers Green Boxes for refrigerator storage of fruits and vegetables. (Note – these are plastic but they are reusable and durable.)

Advice from the Green Team: Before buying a product in single-use plastic, reconsider your need or think of a non-plastic alternative.

If you have suggestions to add to this list, please send them in an email message to with subject: Avoiding plastic pollution.

This is an expanded version of an article in the August 2023 Panorama News.

Lacey, Washington