Remembering Arra White Browning 8/17/1924 – 2/11/2016

Arra Browning was one special lady. She always looked at things from the up side. She asked herself, “What can I do to make things better?” Arra was a pioneer, being the first person at Panorama to try to get recycling going after the Corporation discontinued curbside pickup service. (It worked for a while but it took Jim Silver and Lee Thompson to finally get it to where it is today.)
Rather than drive around campus, she rode her tricycle.
When the Auditorium was in the planning stages, Arra and her husband Artie donated a large sum on the contingency that the building have energy-saving features. It is due to them that the building is as energy efficient as it is.
There are a lot more wonderful things about Arra, but the Green Team wanted to pay tribute to her and her Earth Friendly actions. We miss you, dear Arra.
A memorial service will be held at the United Churches of Olympia, 110 11th Ave. SE, at 1:30 p.m., on April 10, 2016. Memorial donations may be made to the Panorama Benevolent Fund or Doctors Without Borders.
See Arra’s obituary on The Olympian.